God Wants to Do a New Thing in You 🙏

God Wants to Do a New Thing in You 🙏


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:

The old has gone, the new is here!

2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV



Happy May! Spring is upon us, where the flowers will be blooming, and the birds will be tweeting their songs again. Trees that were once leafless and empty, now start to blossom pink, white, and purple.

The truth is that God wants to do a new thing in you. He wants to do a new thing within all of us. Just like nature around us is fully dependent on God to change and grow, we are too. As we admire the warmth of the sunlight and the gentle breeze, may what we see in nature be embraced in our own hearts.

When we see these visible changes and transformations within nature, we know that every moment of every day, something is happening. The more seasons we have been through, the more common they can become, so we have to be intentional to watch what the Lord is doing and to worship Him in the midst of it.

The same is true spiritually speaking. As we seek God, the Holy Spirit is doing a work within us that we may not always recognize, however over time, our thoughts and actions will show the fruit of our hearts.





Heavenly Father,

I thank You, that through Your son, all things are made new.

I thank You, that through Your son, old things have passed away, and I have been made a new creation.

Help me to truly understand, that this amazing truth is not only something for the future, but something that took place the moment I became a believer. Thank You.

In Jesus name I pray,


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