Be Good To People πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

Be Good To People πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘


This message is most trustworthy, and concerning these things I want you to insist steadfastly, so that those who have believed in (trusted in, relied on) God may be careful to apply themselves to honorable occupations and to doing good.

For such things are [not only] excellent and right [in themselves], but [they are] good and profitable for the people.

Titus 3:8 AMPC



What an awesome thing it is to be good to people.

The Bible says that God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with strength, ability and power; and that He went about doing good, for God was with Him (see Acts 10:38). Jesus spent His days being good to people β€” all people. He helped and encouraged people everywhere He went.

We are anointed to bless people as Jesus did. God has given us the strength, ability and power to do awesome works in His name. Do good all day β€” today.





Heavenly Father,

Thank you for showing us how we should live and also for providing the power to live the way you want us to.

We ask that You continue to change our lives to make us more like You. Give us the good character qualities listed in Titus 3. Set us free from any sin that we are holding onto, place Your attitudes within us, make us a light to others and open opportunities for us to share your Good News with those who are seeking You

In Jesus name I pray,


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