A Stable Foundation In 2022

A Stable Foundation In 2022


But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

James 1:6 NIV



This epistle (letter) of James was sent to Christians who had been scattered abroad as a result of persecution. James knew that the human response to the difficulties and dangers we face in life can either cause us to doubt God's goodness or increase our trust in His sufficient grace.

James knew that disbelief in God's goodness and power during times of great problems or pain, results in a man or woman being traumatized by the circumstances of life. This results in them being unstable in their faith, and falling victim to the situation they are facing — instead of becoming victors through the strength, that is supplied to all God's children, by faith

James reminds us that the trials we face are designed to test our dependence upon God; strengthen our faith in Him and drive us to our knees in prayer and supplication - so that we may receive His grace and mercy to help in time of need. So when you pray this year & beyond, ask yourself two questions:

How stable is my faith?

Do I truly believe that God can do exceeding, abundantly & above all that I can ask or think?

Your answer should be "YES" to both, with your mouth and your heart





Heavenly Father,

Thank You that You are with me in every difficulty and danger that I may face in life.

May I never doubt Your goodness or strength but trust in You with all my heart, knowing that You are true to Your Word and that You are using every circumstance in life to change me into the person You want me to be.

Thank You for being my stable foundation

In Jesus name I pray,


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