A Delay, DOES NOT Mean Denial 💯

A Delay, DOES NOT Mean Denial 💯


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV



Jeremiah 29:11 are not just words written down for people thousands of years ago. They resonate with us today. God’s promise is real in any age and time. We might have to wait for that promise to come to fruition, though.

Trust him even when life doesn’t make sense. There is a purpose in whatever you are currently going through. Perhaps God is trying to correct your course. It could be that he is using these trials to teach you to lean more on him, trust his timing, and strengthen your faith. You may be going through this because how you respond may influence others in their decisions.

It is possible that wading through all of this mess in your life, will help you lead someone else through a similar circumstance later on? We may not see the purpose for our struggles until much later, but we STILL should remain faithful and trust that God knows what is happening.

God may seem silent but that doesn’t mean he has walked away. He is actually at work in the background. Like a building going up behind a wall, we can’t always see the progress. But that doesn’t mean nothing is happening. God’s good plan is being carried out and this set of circumstances is needed to prepare you for those plans





Heavenly Father,

Thank You, Lord, for the good plans You have purposed for me and for all Your children. I ask that you enlarge my vision of You and enable me to trust Your Word of truth through any circumstance I may face.

Thank You, Father, that all things work together for good, for those that love You and are fitting into Your plans and purposes.

In Jesus name I pray,


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